Sweet potato, Carrot & Feta Patties

Fritters and patties are a great way to incorporate various veggies in one meal. They are enjoyed by adults and children alike and can be easily adjusted to one’s taste and preferences. Recipes for patties are more of a guideline or an inspiration to what ingredients can be combined together rather than a strict follow-through…

Beluga Lentils & Sweet Potato Salad

Hot summer days are on the way and our diet starts to shift to lighter meals. Less time will be spent in the kitchen and that means looking for easier and less time consuming recipes. Salads are always a go-to meal. However, diversity is the key since we easily get tired of the same dish…

Sweet Potato Salad

Summer… long hot days, low energy, diminished appetite and yet you still have to eat! How many times have you dreaded the thought of needing to cook on a long, hot summer day. Standing in a hot kitchen is definitely not appealing on such days, but there is always an alternative 🙂 Summer is for…

Sweet Potato & Chickpea Curry

Cold winter days are ideal for a dish of heartwarming Indian curry. The mixture of spices in this kind of curries makes you warm from the inside in a instant… and leaves your house with an amazing smell! 🙂 Indian-inspired curry dishes are an absolute go-to dinner during these days and depending on the local…

Homemade Sweet Potato Ravioli

Last week’s weather here in Budapest was not too nice. We had some cold and very cloudy days… the kind of days where you feel like staying under a blanket watching movies all day long. OK I spent a day like this once but then it got a bit boring for me and decided to do…

Roasted Red Pepper & Sweet Potato Soup

Winter is the season of healthy yummy soups. I make soups at least once a week because they are very comforting, easy to make and simply delicious. The soup I make mostly depends on the available produce at the market. This week I felt adventurous and wanted to try something different. I had never made this…

Bean Burgers and Homemade Buns

Although Spring is already in full swing here in Budapest, last Sunday the sun took a day off and we had to deal with a very cloudy day and rain showers from time to time. So, we decided to spend a day at home, and take the opportunity to try out something new in the…

Aubergine Steak with Sweet Potato

Most Saturday mornings I take a trip to the nearby farmers’ market to stock up for the week. By the end of the week, I am usually short on fresh vegetables. This week, I ended up with an aubergine and a sweet potato amongst a few other things. A while ago, I came across an interesting recipe…

Sweet Potato Boat

I love sweet potatoes. Apart from being delicious, they are nutritious, versatile and relatively inexpensive. I usually like to use them for fries, instead of ‘normal’ potatoes. Last week I tried something different, which was very easy to make and yet soo yummy! I call it the Sweet Potato Boat! 🙂 Ingredients (serves 2): Large Sweet…