Weekend Break in Vienna

Vienna, Austria’s capital, is just over 2 hours away from Budapest by train. We took our first trip there in December 2014. The weather was really cold and the city was appropriately dressed for the festive season with various Christmas markets, lights and street decorations.

We visited Vienna again last July and the city was completely different. This time round, the weather was mostly warm and sunny. We had the opportunity to explore the city quite extensively and we did that mostly on foot. My step counter hit the 40K mark on all three days we were there!

Here are some of my favourite photos I took in Vienna, showcasing the beautiful architecture and landscapes of the city.

I would say that one of my favourite places was the Donauinsel. It is long, narrow man-made island in the Danube river, which nowadays is used as a park. It is so peaceful, great to go for a picnic and enjoy a sunny day.

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