Our little furry munchkin

For those who do not know her personally, let me introduce you to Flora… our little companion, a very loyal and trustworthy friend.

Our relationship started just over two years ago, in October 2013. My then husband-to-be and I wanted to adopt a dog. Since we were children, we were always surrounded by various pets including dogs. We went to a dog shelter in Malta, to check on what dogs were available. We took some dogs out for a walk but we were not sure. Since entering the shelter, we had noticed this shy little black dog who seemed she wanted to interact. We asked whether we can take her out for a walk but the staff discouraged us since she never walked on a leash before… However, we were determined to try to take her out. We carried her out in our hands, then started playing with her and finally she was walking and getting tummy rubs while on a leash.


Back at the shelter, the staff was really surprised that she was so comfortable with us and immediately asked if we were going to take her home with us. We were not prepared as we had not yet bought any food, toys and bedding. During the following week, we bought all the necessary things and went to pick her up. She immediately recognized us and was happy to see us. We were obviously overjoyed by her reaction.


As we arrived home, she was excited to explore everywhere. Our small garden was her favourite part… She particularly loved nesting and sleeping in some of our plants!


She was really timid, very cautious with new people and would not let anyone approach her. She was scared of cars, bicycles, scooters, trucks, keys,… the list goes on. She would also go and hide when I took out a broom to sweep the floor. I don’t even want to think about what this poor puppy went through in her few months of life.

Fast forward to today… Flora is still a little bit cautious when meeting people for the first time but can be very welcoming within a couple of minutes. Having moved from the little island of Malta to Budapest, she has been exposed to the hectic city life which has helped her to face her fears. She no longer sleeps in plants but prefer her cosy bed or better yet, our sofa! πŸ™‚

Flora has accompanied us on our travels to various towns around Hungary and its neighbouring countries including Austria, Slovakia and Germany. She is always eager to explore and make new doggie friends.


Flora is among those lucky dogs who found a loving home and we also feel very fortunate to have her in our life. There are a lot of dogs in shelters waiting to be adopted. You never know, you too might be so lucky as to meet and make a new furry friend! However, always bear in mind that a dog is a lifelong commitment! πŸ™‚

5 Comments Add yours

  1. lajuani says:

    I posted about one of my furry friends today πŸ™‚

    Just flicked through the photos again, love the one of Flora in the plant pot and how her nose is tucked away…my Lola does that too. I remember my mum thinking she was just constantly sniffing at her bottom (haha!) but she just seems to like curling up like a snail and hiding herself away!

    1. maricacachia says:

      Christmas looks sooo adorable! Such a nice happy ending to your furry friend πŸ™‚
      Curling up is one of Flora’s cosy positions. Although she does not sit in a plant pot anymore, she still likes to curl up in her bed or on the sofa πŸ™‚

      1. lajuani says:

        I’ve got my Lola curled up next to me right now πŸ™‚ the other two flopped on different sofas!

  2. lajuani says:

    What a lovely story. She is such a cute dog, she reminds me a bit of one of my dogs, Lola. Her face, long nose and floppy ears are really like my Lola’s. Lola however, is a very light ginger πŸ™‚
    I love that you adopted her. I have 3 dogs and all were adopted, and when I lived in Spain I helped many street dogs find homes.
    Yes they are a commitment and a big responsibility, but I would not change a day of my life, I wouldn’t be me without my pups.

    1. maricacachia says:

      That is so nice and kind of you to not only adopt your pups but also help others to be homed. Our furry little munchkins tend to fill our lives… always glad to hear of other happy stories! πŸ™‚ xx

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