Winter Magic

Many people I know dread Winter, mainly because of the cold, unpleasant weather. However, I look forward to this season, especially after a long hot Summer. It is the season of cosiness and relaxation under a blanket reading a book or watching a movie while drinking warm tea or hot chocolate!

I like the kind of food we eat during this cold weather… which includes hearty soups, aromatic curries and delicious stews! I also love winter clothes… sweaters, jackets, scarves, boots… even if that means that you have to put multiple layers on top of each other! 🙂

Coming from the little island of Malta, where snow is very very rare, I always find it amazing when white carpets cover everywhere. I feel really excited as if I am a small kid receiving a new toy!

I have selected a couple of my favourite photos which I took over the past weeks depicting the Winter Magic! The photos below where taken in Budapest, Hungary and Bavaria, Germany.



2 Comments Add yours

  1. Sartenada says:

    Very beautiful photos.

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